Sunday, September 13, 2009

What I've been up to so far

I'm finally writing in here from London!!! Sorry it took so long!

Ok so since I've been here, nothing too exciting has happened as I have yet to meet anyone my age to go out with. And I'm still not 18 so I can't go to bars or anything yet (2 more days though!!!!)
Ok so first week I got sick which sucked but hopefully that means that's done with and I'll be fine the rest of the trip. I've been to one carnival, the Notting Hill Carnival which is like a Jamaican type carnival where people dress up, some in crazy outfits and some in shirts with boobs drawn on them, and there's food and lots of flags and music. (People are big on flags here I'm noticing.) I've been to 2 museums, art ones. The first one was ok, not very memorable but the second one (National Portrait Gallery) was really cool! It was small but the 2 exhibits they had was Gay Icons, where they chose 6 famous gay people to pick their 6 icons and it was all photographs. It was cool to look at the pics and the commentaries on why they were icons were really interesting! then they had some contest and it was all paintings (mostly oil) but they were insanely good!! They had crazy detail and some looked like straight up camera photographs! Props to the artists.
LIE! I've been to 3 museums, the BEST one was the Movieum and it was like the history of movies and had all these props and costumes and one section was like still frames from old and new tv shows and movies, awesome! and there were sections with all genres of movies!! and i got in (for freeeee) right when it opened so no one was there which made it even more awesome. OH! and they had a Beatles part with pictures and their drum set and one of the guitars, I would've taken a picture but there a million signs saying I couldn't and I didn't wanna get kicked out so I didn't.
But the best day so far I thinking was the one where I rode on the back of a motorcycle through London :) :). I had to wake up early (lame) to work out so i did then my aunt's trainer who is the owner of the bike said she'd like to take me out on it so we went!! It was AMAZING!! I want a scooter now like the one from Yes Man!! It was so much fun!! But right as we were turning on to the street taking us back to the gym, the bike DIED! It was awful! we had to call one of her friends cos it was too big for either of us to push and then it took forever to figure out the problem. but at least it didn't die sooner!! Cos we went pretty far! But then we got sushi which was yum!
I've been to one play, it was on Thursday and it was AWFUL! It was Mother Courage and her Children I think and it was opening night which showed! they started late and then announced they couldn't do the last 2 scenes cos they were dangerous and they weren't prepared which was fine cos the play without the last 2 scenes was over 2 hours of awfulness!!! It was funny cos in the beginning they said they'd give refunds and at the end there was a huge line of people wanting their money back.
OH! so Ronnie, my aunt's trainer, had tickets or this thing called Proms which is normally a classical music concert in a park but last night was the last night so they tried to make it more hip and fun. They opened with a Rolling Stones cover band, then another one, then a Queen cover band, then some Opera singers, some chicks rocking out on violins then... shamefully... Barry Manillow. I saw Barry Manillow. And his face looks like wax!!! Crazy stuff!!
I start a music class in October which is a music business class at Point Blank Music College and I'm super excited about it and hopefully it'll help with my meeting people situation and give me more to talk about!! But for now I think I've written plenty! Next time I won't wait so long to write.


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